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Show Notes
August 31, 2023
Dr. Kelly Victory: No More Mask Madness. Do Not Comply & Why. mRNA Vax & Aggressive Cancers. Only 7% are worried about Covid.
A preprint paper showing ivermectin’s effectiveness against COVID-19 in Peru convinced a group of doctors that widespread ivermectin distribution could end the pandemic in October 2020.
Questions from Text Line:
Can you tell me the different types of carditis that Dr. Kelly mentioned on the previous shows? The only one I can remember is myocarditis
Has Dr. Kelly seen/heard a little story first: my daughter JRA started back up in the last year, she’s 23. Arthritis Dr started her on Hydroxychlorquine. Near end of July, and 2-1/2 weeks later she developed nasty rash over while trunk and spread to limbs. Dr saw her and said it was drug reaction and that there had been three others in last few weeks and indicated that the drug had changed manufacturer.
With an EV, I Had to Learn to Drive All Over Again. Article / Comments / Part 2 – The 6K Voucher
Bill called in about the tax credit to turn in your ICE vehicle and CO’s Cash for Clunkers.
How an EV is not affordable. / Comments
Dave from Thorton called in about the government helping low-income people to buy EVs.
Tito called in about connecting the dots and making the poorer, poorer.
EV full charge and quick charge costs. Plus extra costs & maintenance / Comments
Biden’s America: Inflation-battered drivers will have to dig deeper into their wallets to afford the cost of this year’s road trip. Scott Angelle, founder of USA Energy Workers / Interview
EV and autobody repair. / Comments
Bill called in about his trade-in and engine options. The cost of an EV does not help the poor.
The biggest crime against low-income individuals. / Comments
Scott Garliss: Porter and Company Research. Changing how inflation is calculated. Bureau of Labor Statistics and their estimates. What the numbers are telling us. / Interview
Colorado is in the top 10 for the most identity theft and scams. Article / Comments