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Show Notes

June 27

John Rush host of Rush To Reason

Guests & Topics

Dr. Kelly Victory and Steve House

Soaring child heart failure rates. Article / Comments

Why do we not see this in the press? / Comments 

The pressure of Big Pharma and what you get to know. / Comments 

What the Ford Pinto taught us. And Big Pharma loves to advertise and is the biggest lobbying force in DC. / Comments 

Some were forced, and some were duped. The Nuremberg Code / Comments 

Ivermectin and its many uses. Ivermectin Cure for Cancer  / Comments / Part 2  / Part 3 

Empowerment through Covid at the pharmacist level. / Comments 

How to get Ivermectin. Repurposed medications / Comments 

The debate tonight: How Trump should handle tonight’s debate questions that may get thrown at him. Strategies to get Biden through the debate. / Comments 


Jay Beeber, Executive Director of Policy at the National Motorists Association. The war on cars. From Automated Enforcement to Automated Vehicles: How Your Driving Freedoms are Under Threat and What You Can Do About It! 2029 Auto Braking Mandate Article/ Interview

Epps and Herandez – loose.  Rocky Roads on both sides of the aisle. What about the middle?   Article / Comments 

Tucker takes the questions. Video / Comments 

Andy called in about the moderator on the Tucker video. 

Drug testing required for presidential candidates? / Comments 


Jim Pfaff, with the Conservative Caucus, spoke about threats to the lives of SCOTUS judges. Article / Interview    

Jerzee Joe called in about Biden and the debate.  / Comments 

Gregory Wrightstone Executive Director of the  CO2 Coalilition. Mount St. Helens is “recharging,” according to scientists.  Article / Interview 

 Toll Lanes in Denver. Article / Comments  / Part 2