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Show Notes

Hour 1 Topics   Impossible Question Masks on Infants  Dr. Fauci Listener Questions  Question for Dr. Kelly. Is it true that CPR tests have harmful micro fiber/glass that'd get in your nose when swabbed?  Bieber's Wife had a blot clot to her brain?? Cause?  John, ask Dr. Kelly, i had the J&J shot in July 2021, got covid end of October 2021, will my immune system fight it going forward   How does the left hanging on to all of this help them  An observation that healthier people who got the vaccine had worse side effects than obese or unhealthy people. Thoughts?   I had COVID almost three years ago. Lost my taste and smell and still have a loss, also have quite a bit of anxiety after all this time. Never had the shot. Should I have this checked out? Hour 2 Topics Steve Carr: An Economic "Hurricane" is Coming! How Do We Prepare? Denver and FIFA  Scott Garliss with Stanberry Research: U.S. home equity hits the highest level on record—$27.8 trillion – WSJ. Soaring home prices have driven up home equity, but rising interest rates are making it more expensive to use. Stansberry  Hour 3 Topics Kurt Rogers with Affordable Interest Mortgage:  Rates […]

Show Notes

Hour 1 Topics   Impossible Question Dr. Kelly & Steve House: Lessons Learned, Hair Loss, Vaccine Injuries, Doctor Shortage / Interview Hour 2 Topics Drew Alen : How the Democrats Are Using the COVID Playbook to Seize Our Second Amendment Rights Article / Interview    Jersey Joe talked about his high school rifle team and they kept their guns in their lockers and there weren't any school shootings so what changed? John's comments   New gun bill and a young man who doesn't appear to have a lot of monetary resources owning such expensive firearms, and drive the truck he was driving, and other strange things at the Ulvade shooting? / Comments  Vox child death article and what they got wrong with their stats. / Comments  Hour 3 Topics Jarl Jensen, ForbesBooks author of The Big Solution: Deactivating The Ticking Time Bomb Of Today’s Economy, the Federal Reserve is not using its powers for good. Interview   Johns's follow-up comments    Do EV's Make Financial Sense? Article / John Explains  Scott Garliss – Stansberry Research / Interview   "Basically, more people are using credit card debt to stretch paychecks. That concerns me from an economic standpoint as it will further compress disposable income." Scott Garliss 

Show Notes

Hour 1 Topics   Impossible Question Dr. Kelly Victory: Vaccine Injuries and More Things the CDC & WHO Got WrongHour 2 Topics RoomRocket: Vacation Doesn’t Have to Break the Bank: 5 Tips for Summer Trips  John from Cheyenne called in about more travel tips.  Todd Watkins -  El Paso County Sheriff Candidate / Interview  Matt Walsh's "What is a Woman" / Comments   Hour 3 Topics Rod Robertson - Owner of Briggs Capital: "Bad news on Wall Street may actually mean good news on Main Street." /  Interview  Elon Musk sends an ultimatum to Tesla execs: Return to the office or get out. Article / Comments    Part 2  Jim called in about working from home - not working from home. The Economy: Scott Garliss – Stansberry Research Employment Figures, PNL's, What's Next / Interview Search The SiteHour 1 Show NotesVaccine Injuries and More Things the CDC and WHO Got Wrong Dr.Kelly Victory  Interview  Articles: FDA announces updated schedule for the June meetings regarding five pivotal vaccine decisions A New World Health Organization Report Once Again Proves Sweden Right Questions from Listeners:  I was sick in Feb. 2021, got over it, don't know if it was Covid, then had a stroke Nov. 28 of 2021. Spent […]