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Show Notes

Impossible QuestionGuests & TopicsDr. Kelly Victory 01:10 Introduction, 2024 Election, manipulation of the voter rolls.03:07 Left forgotten about the male vote.05:24 The smartest person on air.05:55 Mark Cuban says Trump is never around 'strong, intelligent women07:07 Kamala Harris is a card-carrying plagiarist &08:24 Donald Trump isn't particularly articulate but ... Joe Rogan Interview15:29 One of the dumbest and most uneducated things you could ever say.17:49 Better off today?19:44 Covid vaccine and health issues. Turbo cancer.21:35 Your risk of getting cancer goes up exponentially as we get older—young people and cancer.25:09 Immune System - IgG4. P53 Cells27:26 Shingles Vaccine and Flu Shot30:24 Text messages on deaths of young people.32:13 It is reprehensible that MRNA shots haven't been pulled from the market.37:16 Rand Paul Tweet: the Biden/Harris CDC insists your 6-month-old get 3 COVID vaccines despite no scientific studies.37:46 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Says Trump Wants Him to Take Big Health Role39:02 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act39:33 Text messages on sudden deaths and health issues that are vaccine-related.40:51 Mandates and people who dodged a bullet.42:12 Handling the loss of a loved one.45:12 Turbo cancers, Just the beginning? Psychological impacts of covid mandates.47:28 The impact on fertility rates will continue to unfold for […]

Show Notes

Impossible QuestionGuests & TopicsHealth and Wellness Wednesday 02:00 Introduction Dr. Scott Faulkner - Castle Rock Regenerative Healthcare04:36 Insurance/Pharma World/Obamacare/The Kaiser System06:11 Personalized Care11:19 Text message on a hearing problem - Explanation of Ozone Therapy15:19 Sonia's story: Cells were damaged from an antibiotic 14 years ago. Long Covid. Cryo Treatment.21:24 NAD Injections22:09 Try before surgery23:24 Going to Turkey to get ozone therapy27:01 Maintaining energy levels as we age.31:35 Dr. Scott and virtual visits.35:37 Dr. Scott's patients are provided with his cell phone number38:22 Red Light Therapy and the healing process. Helps ATP production. It helps stimulate your own stem cells.41:37 Reducing cancer risk42:50 Sugar and Big Food44:57 Cancer and other issues being treated with ozone50:20 Hockey Ozone Sauna - Stem Cell Treatment Hour 2 02:04 Richard Battle The Rights and Responsibilities of Voting. The Constitution and Election Day. The left is in panic mode.18:32 All things election21:07 What Joe Biden said about Trump supporters and its impact on Kamala.27:50 Sunny Kutcher – Young Americans Against Socialism & Educate Freedom  TOPICS: “Our ideal communism is something we’re going to create in the US and all the countries worldwide. Socialism is international or it is nothing.” A Socialist professor explains how to get a PS5 under […]

Show Notes

Impossible QuestionGuests & Topics01:10 Intorduction and QOTD04:22 Trump parade in Japan. China, Russia, Ukraine, and Trump.14:04 Stop Everything and Watch the Most Powerful Trump Ad You've Ever Seen – PJ Media28:46 Who the Leftist Leadership values. The CO GOP Leadership.30:44 The Chameleon Kamala. And a message to the Church.35:26 Critique of Kamala and her changing accent.47:42 John and Andy's Election prediction  HOUR 2 01:10 Jeff Patty Candidate for HD3817:33 The mistake the Left is making is the same as the Church's.27:58 John from Cheyenne called in about Kamala's accents and wanting to start the next civil war.  Voting machines and early voting. Once your vote is counted. Jeffco amendment on property taxes.43:15 Jena Griswold CO Secretary of State.45:20 CO GOP core group of activists.  HOUR 3  01:10 Sue called in about Dave Williams, CO GOP Chair, and getting involved.20:18 What a good party chair should be doing.20:53 Rank choice voting. CO Amendment 13122:09 Dave called in about Sue's call.26:30 Who is against rank-choice voting34:51 Mike called in about voting for judges. Know your Coloradovoice.com38:20 Rank-choice voting and how it will change politics and voting.50:34 Churhes and yard signs / National election. dbdb-soundcloudfacebookdbdb-spotifyinstagramtwitterdbdb-itunesfacebook jQuery(document).ready(function () { jQuery(".pa-button-tagline").append("Click Here"); })