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Show Notes

Impossible QuestionGuests & TopicsHOUR 101:13 - Bruce E. Simmons: Reverse Mortgage Manager at American Liberty Mortgage.01:41 - Interest Rates and Reverse Mortgages05:00 - Impact of Federal Reserve Decisions on Mortgage Rates / Understanding the Ten-Year Treasury Index07:16 - Customizing Loans for Individual Needs  John's Take on Realtors from Saturday's Show12:46 - Feedback from Fix It Radio and Real Estate Commission Discussion18:52 - Realtor Fees and Industry Critique23:04 - Caller: Mark from Black Forest on Realtor Fees24:59 - Real Estate Industry in Turmoil / Coaching Advice on Income 30:13 -David Stryzewski - Sound Planning Group  Discussion on VP's $1.7 Trillion Spending Plan and Inflation Concerns32:20 - The Impact of $25,000 Down Payment Program on Housing Market34:40 - Concerns About Price Control on Groceries36:50 - Educating Voters on Economic Policies38:07 - Discussion on Gold and Silver as Investments / The Value of Physical Gold vs. Paper Gold41:09 -  David Strazecki's Book and How to Get It 45:26 - Jerzee Joe on Grocery Store Profit Margins and Government's Role in Inflation HOUR 2 Mountain Climber Joe Evermore and his son01:15 - Joe Evermore on Mountain Climbing and Parenting05:26 - Training for High-Altitude Climbs10:11 - Overcoming Fear and Building Courage11:58 - Raising Strong Future Leaders Lauren Bobert […]