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Impossible QuestionGuests & TopicsDr. Kelly Victory and Steve HouseCensored, Corruption, What we should have done. Defending our Freedoms and What We Have Lost - Comments  New Zealand politician speaking out regarding COVID vaccine. Audio   / Comments How to help offset the side effects of the COVID Vax. / Comments  Listener Question: Ask Dr. Kelly about a supplement called L-arginine and Nattokinase. / Comments  Listener Question: What does Dr Kelly know about the tetanus shot - has it been given as sloppily as the COVID Jab? / Comments  Bird Flu and gain of function.H5N1 - in the United States.  / Comments Book John is reading. America Falls / Comments  Another Shutdown before the election? The amount of foreign money coming into our academic labs / Comments  Pushing Back against the government. / Comments  H1N1 and 3rd world Countries. Spanish Flu / Comments  75 to 100 million people (with mRNA shots) are dealing with a compromised immune system. / Comments  COVID was manmade. / Comments  More on the Spanish Flu. / Comments  Covid was a setup. / Comments  The way the world works today and corruption. Committee on Government Oversight. / Comments  4 years in prison. Shutting down the Lab leak. / […]