Show Notes
Impossible QuestionGuests & TopicsHealth and Wellness Wednesday Guest Hosted by Dr. Scott Faulkner of Castle Rock Regenerative Healthcare Cord For Life:Donald Hudspeth from Cord For Life. Cord for Life is an umbilical cord blood stem cell bank. They've been doing umbilical cord blood banking for 28 years. Over the last four or five years, they've expanded from just generalized banking for transplantation to a therapeutic and research realm.*About Cord For Life and the FDA. Interview*What is a stem cell, and how do they work, and how do we get them? Covid vax free stem cells. Case study on the effectiveness of stem cells / Interview. *How to store your baby's umbilical cord blood stem cells. Private vs. public stem cells and regulations. / Interview *Are these embryonic stem cells? What does it mean to expand the cell line? What's legal? Stem cell case study with asthma. / Interview HOUR 2 Cord for Life*Clinical Trials. Lack of trust in doctors. How Big Pharma kills competition. Case study of stem cells curing chronic pain - from immobile to mobile. Why these stem cells are safe. / Interview *Does it matter where you live to donate? Certificate of analysis. FDA-approved for Cancer. Good banks […]