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Impossible Question First Hour Guests and Articles Dr. Kelly Victory & Steve House Another Surge  Australia  Nonsense Why the Strange Clots? Listener's Questions:  1. Are the home Covid tests accurate? A couple of years ago, there was lots of talk about how the tests were designed to give false positives. That was before the home test kits came on the scene. Now every time someone sneezes or coughs, the first thing they do is reach for a home Covid test, and then they call in sick because they tested positive for Covid. Are these home Covid tests really accurate for testing for Covid?  2. Earlier this week viewed a video on CHD.TV dealing with the Nuremberg Code and how the vaccines were implemented. Also mentioned was the AMA Code of Ethics (which is still "enforced") and how both codes were blatantly violated. Those, at ALL levels, that violated both are now asking for amnesty.   3. Is Dr. Kelly Victory going to help Ron Desantis with this investigation against this vaccine? I 4. Would getting a test to see if you've ever had covid of any use?  5. I'm still having problems since the booster. Where to find a doctor that can […]