Show Notes
Hour 1 SoundCloudOpening Comments Rachel Keen the Conservative Momma Joined John. Impossible Question: Yesterday's This product has a life span of 10 years yet 90% of them are rarely used after the first year?Answer: Treadmill Today's What is something that 20% of people between the ages of 18 and 34 can’t do?Answer: Tell time on an analog clock! Listen here. Rocket Attacks and Violent Riots Escalating in Jerusalem Jim Denison Joined John and Rachel There's a geopolitical background that the mainstream media is missing. Dennis talked about Why Iran is doing what it's doing relative to Hamas and the larger conflict. Iran, as we know, used to be the Persian Empire. The Persians are not Arabs. The Arab world has been in opposition to the Persian Empire for centuries. It's been kind of a cold war that's heating up now. Israel is making peace with a number of Sunni Arab Nations as we know the Abraham Accords. They're building kind of a Sunni block against Iranian influence in the Middle East. There's this belief in Islam with an attack on one Muslim is an attack on all of Islam. Surah two, verse 190 requires Muslims to attack those that attack Islam. […]