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May 17 - New Tax Deadline The postponement applies to individual taxpayers, including people who pay self-employment tax, the IRS said in a statement Wednesday. The relief does not apply to the first-quarter 2021 estimated tax payments that many small business owners owe, however, the agency said. Those payments are still due on April 15. The IRS said it plans to issue more guidance in the coming days. New Gas Tax - I mean Fee Colorado Democrats’ $4 billion transportation plan The new fees would start in July 2022 to pay for infrastructure projects, efforts to improve air quality, and public transportation initiatives. More info here. Uber in the UK "The sweeping changes come after the U.K. Supreme Court ruled last month that Uber drivers should be treated as workers over self-employed independent contractors, the designation the company uses for its drivers worldwide to avoid paying out minimum wages and benefits." Full article here. Darwin Award Informed Consent: COVID-19 Vaccine / Gene Therapy The COVID-19 vaccine was created in record time. Advocates credit technological advances and insist it’s safe. But multiple instances of post-vaccine death and doubtful experts say the concern is warranted. Article: The Great Reset: “Should you […]