He’s got something to say about vaccinating with this particular vaccine. Which dovetails into this question, “Will the government tell you the truth? Will our government, any government, tell you the truth?”
“And most importantly, this vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to their immune system. The most alarming point about this is that once these damages have occurred, they are irreparable.” ~ Dr. Robert Malone
Robert Malone is the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. He holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines: including four fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies.
“Before you inject your child, a decision that is irreversible, I wanted to let you know the scientific facts about this genetic vaccine, which is based on the mRNA vaccine technology I created. There are three main issues that parents need to understand before they take this irrevocable decision.
The first is that a viral gene will be injected into your parent cells. This gene forces your child’s body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs. These organs include their brain and nervous system, their heart and blood vessels, including blood clots, their reproductive system. And most importantly, this vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to their immune system. The most alarming point about this is that once these damages have occurred, they are irreparable.
They cannot be reversed.
You can’t fix the lesions within their brains.
You cannot repair heart tissue scarring.
You cannot repair a genetically reset immune system.
And this vaccine can cause reproductive damage that could affect future generations.” – From the linked video
Want to learn more about what the mainstream media won’t tell you? Dr. Kelly Victory joins us on Thursdays at 3 pm MT to discuss covid-19 and what is happening in the medical and political spheres. Click here to find out more and to listen to her past interviews.
The planet is improving, not in spite of increasing CO2 and rising temperature, but because of it. The very framework of the climate-catastrophe argument is being confronted with scientific facts.
“I talked earlier today about what’s coming out now, finally, as this overpopulation bomb and the fact that that’s been dispelled and the reality is that never came to fruition. And it was really one of the biggest lies foisted upon mankind. And what I said, Gregory, was climate change, global warming, whatever you want to call it, I believe down the road is going to be in the same situation.” ~ John Rush
“Oh, absolutely. And if we look at, I mean, I look at, I’m a geologist, so I look at the big picture and we’re being told, aren’t we, that “Oh, my God. We can’t let it get a degree and a half or two degrees warmer or there’s going to be famine.” Right? Nasty population. Everything imaginable is going to go wrong. Well as a geologist, Again, I look back. What’s happened over the last five or 6,000 years since the first-grade civilizations arose. What happened whenever temperatures got to those levels? Well, I’ll tell you what happened. Humanity and the Euros ecosystem thrived. Food was abundant with great abundance during periods that were warmer than today.” – Gregory Wrightstone
CLIMATE CHANGE ANALYST: Gregory Wrightstone, is a geologist and the Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition in Arlington Virginia. He is the bestselling author of the book “Inconvenient Facts: The Science That Al Gore Doesn’t Want You to Know.”
BIO: Gregory Wrightstone is a geologist with more than 35 years of studying the Earth’s processes. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Waynesburg University and a master’s from West Virginia University, both in the field of geology. He has presented the results of his research around the world, including India, Ireland, and China.
Gregory’s book was the result of a quest for the truth about climate change — a subject uncritically reported by the mainstream media of an Earth lurching inexorably toward climate apocalypse. Contrary to the hyperbole of climate alarmists, Wrightstone’s review of the science provides the historical context of the Earth that shows clearly that rising temperatures and increasing carbon dioxide are benefiting both the planet and the human condition.
“This is out of The American Spectator. But they pulled some things even out of The Wall Street Journal. And the reality is, I could really say this, probably in one sentence. It never happened, folks. There never was an overpopulation of the Earth.
In fact, we have now entered into a day and age where there is a lot of countries, including the likes of China, where they’re looking at their own population, saying, wait a minute. We don’t have enough young people running around to really meet the demand of what we as a country and economy need moving forward.” – John Rush
The greatest environmental demographic scare of the second half of the century, overpopulation is now officially conceded to have been a monumental fraud.
To appreciate what an embarrassing reversal this is for the Green movement. Consider that 40 to 50 years ago, nearly all the scientists, policymakers, Us government agencies, and experts at the UN told us that a rampaging population growth would lead to the doomsday with the world in our lifetime running out of food, energy, and nearly everything else.
Does this sound familiar, folks? Does this sound a lot like global warming, climate change, where you have, quote, Unquote, all of the experts, including the government and the UN, believing that if we don’t do something, that the existential threat right now, the largest crisis you’ve heard Joe Biden and his crony say this, the biggest threat we have in the world today is climate change. Does it not sound eerily familiar to overpopulation?
“The New York Times put the point even more emphatically in its coverage of this amazing twist of fate by acknowledging in a headline that the dreaded population bomb of the 1960s and ’70s has turned into a global population bust. Folks, the reason why I’m reading this to you is because these are things that I’ve talked about on this program now off and on for the past seven years.” ~ John Rush