Is Uncertainty the Only Thing Certain in Our Future?

Is Uncertainty the Only Thing Certain in Our Future?

“In 2022, we find ourselves in the third year of a pandemic unseen for 100 years. Instead of a clear path toward its conclusion, we can only be certain of continued uncertainty.  Common sense has vanished among those entrusted to lead the country as politics invades every area of life is a struggle between retaining the founding principles or abandoning them in favor of socialist government control.  As I wrote in Navigating Life’s Journey: Common Sense in Uncommon Times, uncertainty results in anxiety and grief. It is exponentially worse for those inexperienced in life’s challenges. 

We have two choices to respond to difficulty.”Richard Battle

Common sense has vanished among those entrusted to lead the country.   As politics invades every area of life, it’s a struggle between retaining the country’s founding principles or abandoning them in favor of socialist government control. 


As Richard wrote in Navigating Life’s Journey: Common Sense in Uncommon Times, uncertainty results in anxiety and grief. It is exponentially worse for those inexperienced in life’s challenges. 


We have two choices to respond to difficulty. 

  1. Hunker down, and wait for it to end, which appeals to the risk-averse crowd. 
  2. Utilize the time to grow, learn, prepare, and seize opportunities others avoid to leapfrog the first group in the pursuit of life’s dreams. 

In the interview, Richard and John talk about how to seize opportunities and keep pursuing life’s dreams.  

Thank a Veteran Today. The Sacrifice is Incredible.

Thank a Veteran Today. The Sacrifice is Incredible.

John and Richard Battle’s tribute to all of those who served in the United States Military.


Interview Recorded on Wednesday, November 10, 2021

John: Let’s talk about Veterans Day being tomorrow and things that have gone on in our history. And it’s one of those days that I hope we never forget. I tend to feel like we put a little less meaning and emphasis on it year after year, and I hope that’s not the case. I hope I’m wrong, Richard.

Richard: Well, I think that is the case and my sense of that part of the reason I wanted to talk about it because it’s so important for we adults to train our children and grandchildren so that we can appreciate the sacrifice of millions of people going back all the way to the Revolutionary War, who gave us what we have today. And if we don’t do that, then they’re going to think it’s always been like this and it will always be like this regardless of what our behavior is. And that’s when we get in trouble.

John: Yes, you are exactly right. So first Veterans Day involved from the First Armistice Day on November 11, 1919, talk about that.

Richard: Well, I think that the war to end all wars and we know how that finished up. We’ve had so many wars afterwards, but they were trying to commemorate on November 11, 1919, the first anniversary of the end of World War One. And later in 26th, the Congress recognized it, and it became a holiday in 1938. And then in 1954, it was changed to Veterans Day to celebrate veterans from our entire history, not just the First World War. And I think that’s so important to celebrate and thank everyone.

John: Well said, I’d have to go back and do the math. But we’re going on roughly 102 years. Am I saying that right?

Richard: Well, that would be correct. From the first Armistice Day, two years from the end of the war. Yes.

John: So we as a nation are, with the exception of times of the military draft. We’re a volunteer service military, if you would where like Israel, for example, I think they’re still doing this today, Richard. At least they did when I toured there a while back. And that is when you’re of age, you go into the military for two years period in the country of Israel, you have no choice. It’s not a volunteer military as my point.

Richard: That’s correct. And since the last draft ended in 1973, and we’ve been all-volunteer and that makes it even more impressive in my mind. As you know, there’s been up and downtimes in our country, and for people to continue to volunteer to go, serve and put themselves on the line up to the ultimate sacrifice. Just says so much for our country and the heart of our people.

John: And we’ve had over those years, of course, Richard, men, women, young, old, some even so young, they shouldn’t have been there, but fake their way in that probably couldn’t happen today.

Listen to the full interview as John and Richard uncover some forgotten stories about the heart of our people and their love of neighbor and country.

Women’s Service 

  • Revolutionary War – primarily support 
    • Few cases of women dressing like men and fighting (Deborah Sampson) 
  • Civil War – In addition, to support, served as spies and smugglers. 
    • Dr. Mary Walker – Only woman awarded a Medal of Honor (spy and doctor) 
  • Spanish- American War – Impact of nurses led to the development of a nurse’s corps. 
  • World War I – 35,000 served to hasten the passage of the 19th amendment 
  • World War II – In addition to the military, many served in manufacturing jobs to free up men to serve 
  • 1970’s women enter military academy’s and increase combat training 
  • Today, women serve in almost all units and theaters 

Volunteer military have historic achievements 

  • George Washington – became the father of our country. 
  • John Paul Jones – Founder of the US Navy – “I’ve Not Yet Begun to Fight!” 
  • Joshua Chamberlain – went from theology teacher, to hero, to 4 term governor of Maine 
  • Theodore Roosevelt – San Juan Hill fame led him to be president of the US 
  • Audie Murphy – Underrated individual who became a hero and then an actor 
  • Travis Mills – Lost 3 limbs in War on Terror. Inspires people, If I can do it, you can also 

Thank you
Military Families!

The Consistency of Human Nature

The Consistency of Human Nature

Has Human Nature Evolved? If not, What Difference Does it Make In Our Lives?

Listen to the full interview here as John and Richard V. Battle connect the dots between moral relativism, the Bible, and the US Constitution.

Intellectuals pronounce man’s improvements because they are essential to the adoption and promotion of moral relativism. Moral relativism is where people get to define their own truth. Moral relativism is the opposite of Biblical truth. Unlike the Bible, it believes that there is no absolute truth.

If humanity has advanced, it is easy to discard ancient principles because they no longer apply to humans who have surpassed their application. However, we can find all of the validation we need about the past, present, and future nature of man in The Bible. This can be done without advocating the Bible’s theology and using its contents as literature because the writers based their stories on how humans behaved. It is easy to see that we have grown technologically but our behaviors have stayed the same.

Those who argue man has and is evolving is discounting history

3 Examples
Avoiding responsibility – Adam, Eve and the Serpent
Ask any young child what happened when something breaks, and they instinctively, without hesitation, state, “I didn’t do it.” Our natural reaction is to avoid responsibility.

Jealousy and envy – Cain killing Abel and Jacob stealing Esau’s birthright and inheritance
Wouldn’t we learn over time the useless energy and money wasted feeling jealousy and envy? Human’s natural instinct contains covetousness for what we don’t have instead of gratitude for what we do have.

Ambition – David and Bathseba
How often do we see today stories of people who have virtually everything but destroy their and others’ lives to obtain something they do not control?

If hindsight is 20-20, and experience is the best teacher, why won’t the people who have neither listen to the people who have both?

Our Founding Patriots Blessed Us Greater than Our Appreciation of Them

Our Founding Patriots Blessed Us Greater than Our Appreciation of Them

In a rush to destroy our history, we often overlook the brilliant men who crafted our Declaration of Independence in 1776 with logic and reason rather than emotion and anger. 

In 1787, all focus was on future generations, with a brand-new document, The United States Constitution. It is now the longest active governing document globally. When the Founding Fathers wrote this, they recognized they didn’t give us a perfect government but hoped the people would continue to “form a more perfect union.” The Constitution is not a breathing document that follows changes in human development but is a solid foundation constraining the worst tendencies of humans to enslave people through government. Even more so today, the relevancy of their thoughts and writings confirms the immutable agelessness of human nature and the brilliance contained in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

May God Shed His Grace on Thee


God did align the stars to give us 56 white men to represent all Americans. Our Founding Fathers gambled with “their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor” but felt it was worth it to create a unique place on earth where men governed themselves and individual liberty was the order of the day. They were brilliant because they recognized man’s imperfection, and they included themselves. Our Founding Fathers correctly understood the inherent nature of humans. 

Having a distrust of government they realized its tendency to evolve into a bureaucratic master if citizens surrendered their independence. They understood that political and economic freedoms are the twin freedoms and that they are inextricably intertwined. We either preserve both or lose both; preservation is our responsibility. If we fail to stand up to the forces intent on subjugating all people to the rule of man instead of the rule of law, we will enter darkness long before we take our last breath.

In the book, The Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence by B. J. Lossing, he writes about how nine died fighting or from hardship, twelve had their homes pillaged and destroyed by the British, five were captured and tortured before dying, two lost sons, another had two sons captured, and others lost wives and fortunes.  They risked it all and paid dearly for our liberties.

We Have a Choice

Every day and in every action, we make choices contributing to our future freedom or eventually subjection. If we honor our founders and predecessors, we’ll breathe our last breath as a free person, confident we repaid the favor given to us. It is up to each of us to contribute to the freedom of future generations rather than squander our inheritance.

Richard V. Battle

Thank you Richard V. Battle for the outline for the writing of the blog post.