Covid: Uncovering the Truth and Exposing the Propaganda
Covid: Uncovering the Truth and Exposing the Propaganda
John Rush, Dr. Kelly Victory, and Steve House have been uncovering the truth and exposing the propaganda from the government and the powers-at-be from the early stages of covid-19. Dr. Kelly has been banned from YouTube, Facebook, and now most recently from Twitter for posting an irrefutable fact.
You Take the Most Flack When You’re Directly Over the Target
Censorship, Propaganda, Cancer, Immune System, Vaccines, Discrimination
More on the Facts
Click on the articles listed below for an extensive list of scientific studies, including a brief summary of the findings. Amongst them are included hundreds of studies on masks, vaccines, vaccine mandates, natural immunity, school closures, and mitigation schemes in general.
A Few Highlights from this Jammed Packed Interview
Dr. Kelly, “the new study from the CDC acknowledging that lockdowns had ZERO Effect on mortality or transmission of Covid, but had devastating impacts economically, socially, psychologically, educationally, etc. I made that point repeatedly, TWO YEARS AGO which is what initially got me banned from both Facebook and YouTube.”
Banned from Twitter
Dr. Kelly, “Well, what I’m actually thrilled to report, very honestly, we can get into the whole censorship issue is that the third time I was censored was again for posting something that was an irrefutable fact, something that is absolutely in the public record and easy for certainly the, quote, “fact-checkers” from Twitter to have verified.
Vaccine Failure and the Consequences
Dr. Kelly, “Once you suppress the immune system, I guarantee we will not only see this event of vaccinated people being at higher risk for COVID and other infections, but you are going to see a massive uptick in certain cancers, specifically blood-borne cancers like leukemia and multiple bioluminescent, those sorts of things.”
John: “They’re pushing a mantra, an agenda if you would, that fits their narrative only. And anybody that counters that, they are quick to just diminish it. Guys, I know people don’t like me saying this. I know it sounds outlandish. And Charlie and I had this conversation the other day that anytime you compare something to what happened in Nazi Germany, that you can get in trouble for doing so. But guys, what we’re encountering right now is exactly what brought Germany to its knees with the Holocaust because this is what started it all.”
Steve: “John, I think you are right. But I think the other thing people missed when I had this conversation yesterday with people is that what Joseph Goebbels did with propaganda was he convinced a certain set of the population that they were victims and that they had the right to force other citizens who were not following the process to adhere or bend their will. … So we have citizens doing the work of the government because the government uses propaganda to make those citizens angry and fearful. Then you have a very bad situation. And you can say that’s exactly what’s happening here.”
Dr. Kelly, “The use of propaganda to empower citizens to actually do the work of the government to align them against a common quote “foe”. Whether that “foe” is the Jews, that “foe” is black people, or that “foe” is a microscopic virus, the results are the same. You get people to act in ways that they otherwise would not if they were going based on their own sense of morals or ethics. But the government gets people ginned up. And at this point, the “foes” are people who won’t wear a mask or who won’t get vaccinated. And people are acting in ways that are absolutely vile to their fellow man because of the misinformation, the propaganda that is being provided to them by the government.”