Covid: Why are We Continuing to Discriminate?

Covid: Why are We Continuing to Discriminate?

Covid: Why are We Continuing to Discriminate?

John: “Where I am going to complain, though. Maybe complaint isn’t the right word, but correct me if I’m wrong. But I’m so tired of seeing what I consider to be false headlines and things that are in the news on a daily basis. There’s an article that just came out in KDVR, Colorado. Doctors sound off on Merck’s pill to treat COVID-19. And essentially, this whole article is about how doctors would love to have some sort of an antiviral pill that they can actually give patients. In other words, they want to be able to treat patients for covid. Now, we already know that you can do that already, Dr. Kelly. But basically what this article gets down to as well. Ultimately, though, we just need to get people vaccinated that’ll be the cure. That’s not true.”

Dr. Kelly Victory: ” No, it’s not true. And this is my issue for the duration of this pandemic. John, I am not anti-vaccine. I’m very pro-vaccine, and I certainly hope that we ultimately are able to create vaccines for lots of viruses, covid being one. But the reality is this is never the singular best approach, particularly when we have a long list of very safe, readily available, very inexpensive drugs that treat COVID. Yet from the beginning of this pandemic, there’s been an absolute refusal to acknowledge it. It’s full of therapeutic nihilism. Just let’s ignore the fact that we have drugs like Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and vitamin D and zinc and steroids, all of which have tremendous efficacy against code. And instead, let’s only focus on vaccine, vaccine, vaccine. It just defies sense.”

John: “And yet there’s another story that I was reading today and to get to all of the details of it. But Sean Coon, a senior majoring in exercise and sports science at the University of Georgia, passed away on October 11. So just a few days ago after battling covid 19, and then he got pneumonia that happened for about six weeks, but he was fully vaccinated.”

Dr. Kelly Victory: ” I’m not anti-vaccine. But the reality is that these particular vaccines for covid are brand new that had very limited testing. And the reality is you can’t possibly have extensive data on them because they haven’t been around long enough. Okay, start with that. On top of it, we know that they were never intended to prevent someone from contracting covid. The best they can hope to do is decrease the severity of the illness. So we’re seeing huge numbers of what you would call breakthrough cases, meaning people who are fully vaccinated come down with covid anyway. As a result, we know that they can not only get COVID become symptomatic, but they clearly can spread it. And there was a big study just two weeks ago out of the University of California, Davis, showing that vaccinated and unvaccinated people, regardless have the same amount of virus in their noses and throats when they get sick. So there’s really no significant difference in their ability to spread the virus to others, which really begs the question, why are we continuing to discriminate against people who are vaccinated versus unvaccinated?

Full Interview here: 

The Virus is Real. The Statistics are Not

The Virus is Real. The Statistics are Not

The Virus is Real the Statistics are Not

Dr. Kelly Victory


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15 seconds

Interview Highlights

Dr. Kelly: “ They [The Biden Administration] continue to double down on their vaccine efforts for certain, and they continue at the same time. More troubling to me, John. They continue at the same time to ignore and avoid conversation about the one thing that we know actually works for Covid, which is early treatment. So I have no problem with them continuing to work on developing a safe and effective vaccine for this virus or any other of the other bazillion viruses that we haven’t cracked the vaccine code for yet. But I find it very troubling that they continue to ignore and actually try to deep six any conversation about effective safe, readily available early treatment options.”

Dr. Kelly: “We are witnessing right now a level of therapeutic nihilism that I have never seen in my entire career in medicine. John, we have an entire cocktail of readily available, safe and effective medications for COVID. Yet what people are getting when they go to the hospital is either they go in, they get tested COVID they’re positive and they’re sent home and told to do nothing unless they get really sick.”

Dr. Kelly: “If someone gets COVID and gets admitted to the hospital with it and isn’t treated with azithromycin, zinc, Ivermectin hydroxychloroquine, inhaled steroids, blood thinners, vitamin D. They don’t get those things. They end up dying. There really is no excuse at this point and hasn’t been, frankly, for well over a year for people to be dying untreated. This isn’t any longer a pandemic of the unvaccinated. It’s a pandemic of the untreated, and it’s unconscionable and truly needs to stop.”

Dr. Kelly, “that Ivermectin is incredibly incredibly effective for the treatment of COVID-19. And we’ve done this for well over a year. … 64 different studies, 64, 58 of which show overwhelming decreases, statistically significant decreases in hospitalizations admissions and deaths from giving Ivermectin.”

Dr. Kelly: “Furthermore, as you said, remdesivir the “wonder drug” to date for covid 19 is essentially useless. … it causes profound kidney damage and has been associated with nothing other than prolonged hospital stays.”

Dr. Kelly: “It’s ridiculous, absolutely unconscionable that we haven’t been allowed to use it [Ivermectin]. If you look at parts of the world that are using it and we’re using it before covid even because of places like India that have a lot of issues with intestinal parasites. Those places have low rates of COVID in the first place, and the most populated province in India, Uttar Pradesh, which 241,000,000 people essentially has eradicated cases of COVID simply by giving the entire population Ivermectin very important drug.”

Kelly Victory, MD

BIO From Early Covid Care

Dr. Kelly Victory is a residency-trained trauma and emergency specialist with over 30 years of clinical experience. She is an expert in disaster preparedness and response and medical management of mass casualties. Dr. Victory is an alumnus of the National Preparedness Leadership Initiative by the Harvard School of Public Health and the Kennedy School of Government to develop “meta-leaders” for national disaster preparedness and response, and served as a member of the Leadership Council at Harvard School of Public Health for many years. Dr. Victory has worked with a range of public and private organizations including companies, hospitals, schools, churches and municipalities on public health issues including disaster and pandemic preparedness and response.

Dr. Victory teaches “Active Shooter Rapid Response and Extraction” and “Leadership in Times of Crisis” for first responders, community leaders and organizations, aimed at limiting casualties, improving outcomes, enhancing resiliency and coordinating emergency response efforts. Dr. Victory has been a consistent and vocal proponent of aggressive early outpatient treatment for COVID-19, as well as a cautious and informed, risk-based approach to COVID vaccination. She makes frequent radio and television appearances to discuss issues of public health, disasters, and preparedness and response efforts, and has been the daily voice of “The Doctor Hour” on KABC in Los Angeles throughout the pandemic. Dr. Victory holds a BS from Duke University, earned her MD from the University of North Carolina and completed her residency in Emergency Medicine and Trauma at Carolinas Medical Center.

COVID-19: Infection or Tyranny?

COVID-19: Infection or Tyranny?

“… And so there are people for whom that calculation. It makes sense for them to take the vaccine.  …  Healthy people under the age of 50 have a 99.98% chance of making a full recovery if they get COVID, you weigh that against the risks from the vaccines. And I’m telling you, [getting the vaccine] it’s a bad calculation,” Dr. Kelly Victory

” And it was always an error in judgment to make such a highly targeted, narrow vaccine that only is intended to create antibodies against a single spike protein, because it simply takes very, very little in terms of a mutation, a variation for those vaccine-induced antibodies, not to recognize the new variant. And that’s exactly what is happening. So people who have natural immunity, meaning people who actually had COVID and recovered their antibodies, are excellent at recognizing the Delta variant, and they’ll recognize, in all likelihood, the other variants to come,” Dr. Kelly

“When you look at the number of deaths from January of this year, January 2021 to the present, there are more than twice as many deaths reported from the COVID-19 vaccines in that seven and a half month period then of all 30 other vaccines on the VAERS system over a 22 year period combined,” Dr. Kelly

Dr. Kelly, “And honestly, every time I hear someone stand up or even my own colleagues with whom I’m quite disappointed, I hear them stand up and say things like, These vaccines are perfectly safe, or these vaccines are safe for children, or they’re safe to give to pregnant women. How in the world can you, with a straight face or an honest face make that statement?

“And by the way, let me get it on the record, I am absolutely pro-vaccine. But people need to understand vaccine production and creation is extraordinarily complicated. … There’s a reason why the average vaccine takes four to six years to come to market if it ever makes it to market. … And it takes years, generally four to six years to even begin to figure out what the long-term potential adverse events or side effects of these vaccines will be. … So now you’re going to be chasing your tail with these boosters and there’s no end to that game. It’ll be boosters eight, nine, and ten before you know it, and it won’t work,” Dr. Kelly

Read more of the transcript.